Wednesday, 3 September 2008

Bulgaria's Rakia = American's Bourbon

This was taken from a very good website about Bulgaria called FindBGFood. It give lots of information about the food you will find in Bulgarian and of course the customs and traditions that go with it. The article on Rakia is given here.

Classic Bulgarian Drinks

Rakia is as rooted in Bulgarian history and existence as is bourbon in American. It has aided the nation in surviving its hardest years and has helped bring many bright ideas to live. In case you haven't tried it yet, rakia is hard liquor from the brandy family. It is made from fermented grapes, plums, or virtually any fruit with sugars in it. Its alcohol content varies from 40% for the commercially sold liquor to 70-80% of pure firewater for the home-produced rakia. Some of the most popular brands of rakia are Peshterska, Slivenksa Perla, Sungurlarska, Burgas 63, Kehlibar, Karnobat. Drink it ice cold, preferably straight up (no rocks), and have a Shopska salad, lukanka or at least a few pickles standing by.

Source from

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