Saturday, 13 September 2008

Homemade Rakia Safer Than Factory Rakia

Home made Rakia in Bulgaria is considered to be of better quality and indeed safer than Rakia produced and made in factories. During the 1990s there were many counterfeit Rakia products for sale in Bulgarian stores. This still goes on in place even now and is not just confined to Rakia but other spirits that are counterfeit so beware.

Distilling a certain amount of Rakia purely for domestic use is tax free, but with Bulgaria joining the European Union in 2007, the government decision to raise taxes in line with the rest of Europe was put forward on all home made spirits. The result led to massive protests in late 2006 and early 2007. Local traditions and the poor performance of state institutions in Bulgaria, there is now little risk that the new taxes will actually be paid if enforced and the Government backed down.

In Bulgarian tradition, drinking Rakia (ракия) is accompanied by eating little dishes called mese (мезе), usually a salad, e.g. Shopska. Rakia also has many uses as a folk medicine.

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