Tuesday, 6 January 2009

Buy Homemade Rakia Through Online Auctions

This is what goes on right now. Rakia for sale through online auctions. tis partcular batch went for 14 leva a litre - Very expensive as you can buy it on the street for around 6-8 leva a litre. If you add delivery costs, it amounts to an incredible price to pay for homemade Rakia that hasn't even been sampled. This was clipped direct from the Bulgarian auction site.

Ракиа Brandy

BID.BG - OnlineAuction BID.BG - OnlineAuction
Цена: 14.00 с ддс Price: 14.00 VAT
Най- различни вкусове Ракиа, за най- различни вкусове. A variety of flavors brandy, for a variety of flavors. Цените са по договаряне според количествата. Prices are negotiable according to quantity. Изборът и количествата са големи. The selection and quantities are large. Тази стока е разгледана 13 пъти This product is considered 13 times

clipped from


  1. its around .69 on the dollar..around 9 for 14 lev? Seems fair

  2. William:
    The comment on the price is relative to prices in Bulgaria, which is why I deemed it expensive. You can buy 1 litre of Rakia in a supermarket for around 7-8 leva. I don't think export is feasible without documentation certification etc.

  3. i see. kamila must get some quality merchandise for rock bottom prices. folks from the UK have been known to stock up when visiting NYC for name brand goods!!
