Wednesday, 8 April 2009

Rakia Made in Bulgaria - Not From Scotland

Scotland and Bulgaria have many similiarities including being famed for whisky and rakia making repectively. Many Scottish people are drawn here from that as much of the landscape is quite simliar as well.

Over the last year I have seen a particlar advertisment shown extensivley on terrestrial television in Bulgaria highlighting other simliarities, the bagpipe of course. the differences between cultures are suddenly apparant when the music and dancing starts. And lets not forget that rakia is made in Bulgaria.

This particular commerical Rakia is made in Karnobat under the brands Karnobatska (kaрнобатска) retailing just under 10 Bulgarian Leva for one litre in most shops.

For now just enjoy this cleverly made clip from YouTube. It gets my feet tapping everytime and joining in with the big 'Ohwa!' shouted out in the line of Bulgarian male dancers.

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