Friday, 18 December 2009

Sore Throat? Rakia To The Rescue

Year 2 - Day 4 - Sore throat

Another medicinal used for rakia which was discovered when my Bulgarian partner’s son suddenly took and interest in the kitchen ingredients for once. It is very rare that he ventures there other than to eat at the table or get beer out of the fridge! It was a sick Bulgarian who clattered about in the cupboards which the aim to make a potion to cure his sore throat.

It was a mug he used to combine the ingredients and permission granted to use my home made rakia, then and a quick burst of heat in the microwave and the steaming potion was taken and sipped whilst watching live international football on television.

Needless to say there were no moans about being ill after the ‘toddy’ had been drunk. It had soothed his throat and everyone knew that it would do the trick as it works every time.

If you happen to have these ingredients around and possibly want to save money on prescriptions, give it a try first. The recipe is simple and given here.

Recipe For Sore Throats Using Rakia


5 tablespoons Honey
5 tablespoons Rakia
5 tablespoons Oil (Sunflower)


Put all the ingredients in a microwave proof mug and give a 1 minute 30 seconds burst on full with 750-watt machine or 1 minute 40 seconds on 700-watt machines. Give a stir so the honey is fully diluted and leave for 2-3 minutes before drinking.

This is best drunk before going to bed and will aid a good night of sleep with a soothed throat and warmed up body.

Image by DragonFreak via Flickr
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