Sunday, 28 February 2010

Rakia Novelties For Sale

There are a few rakia novelties around now and this one was found selling "Got rakia?" stickers and fridge magnets. A very simple statement in an uncluttered format. The car sticker retails at £4 each and the fridge magnet at £2 each if you buy 100. Geared toward businesses it seems but a nice idea. I do wonder whether anyone would make sense of the phrase outside the Balkans?

If you want to visit the site which has other rakia related novelties you can get there by clicking on this link -

Fridge Magnet

$200 for 100


Car Sticker

$4 each
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Friday, 26 February 2010

Rakia For Sale On EBay

This was found in Ebay today. A small 50 cl bottle of rakia up for auction at a starting price of 0.99 GB pounds. Not too expensive outside Bulgaria for a shot of rakia until you look at the postage - 4 GB Pounds!

Here is the description of the rakia.

Well there have been seven people who viewed this and I am one of them. Not too sure whether is will sell however I feel that selling alcohol is against EBay terms of service, I'me surprised it got through being put on auction.
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Wednesday, 17 February 2010

Coriander Price Increase Expected Due To Floods

News just in that really will affect the cost of rakia this coming year. Many Bulgarians use coriander as a vital ingredient added to their rakia making process that gives it a distinctive taste. Coriander in Bulgaria is exclusively used for rakia making and the rest is exported as it is not traditionally a herb that is used in Bulgarian cuisine. 

Because of the extremes of thawing snow and continual rain, this year's crop of coriander is forecast to be a bad one. The areas of land where they are normally farmed are flooded and this will certainly cause a delay in sowing or ruin the stock of seeds that have been sown already.This of course means that there will be less yield this year and the knock on effect is that the cost will increase as a result. Rakia without coriander to many just isn't good enough and with this news there will be many who will try and grow their own for the first time, me included.

Sunday, 14 February 2010

Humpty Dumpty And Rakia

What has rakia and Humpty Dumpty got in common?

Well according to the Oxford English Dictionary and this is also quoted in Wikipedia the term "humpty dumpty" referred to a drink of brandy boiled with ale prior to the "little, clumsy person" meaning.

There you have it, Humpty Dumpty literally means a brandy based toddy, no doubt after a few the drinker may well be apt to having a great fall although not necessarily off a wall. Not too sure about all the Kings horse and all the King's men putting you back to together again though.

Just to remind you for the famous poem:

Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall,
Humpty Dumpty had a great fall.
All the king's horses and all the king's men
Couldn't put Humpty together again

Thursday, 11 February 2010

Rakia - A Rough Brandy That Leaves You On The Ground?

It is strange how many version of explaining rakia there are. I'm not too sure this account has actually tried rakia, but has given and account from third party experiences. It is also interesting to see how many accounts say that rakia leaves you on the ground and described as a rough brandy. Most is drunk little and often although there is always the tendency to drink more with guests who are willingly offered it. I like this blog which I often visit and coincidently it is nice to see an article on rakia that has now been made.

Mmmmmm . . . .strange liquor. That's almost as sweet as strange . . .you know.
Popular through all of the Balkans but especially Bulgaria is the almost homemade, kept in old plastic bottles and looking a little like piss, rakia. This fruit brandy can come in many different varieties and although it only averages out at 40% in the store bought variety it can bounce up to a much higher alcohol percentage when it is homemade…and any Bulgarian will tell you that the only rakia worth drinking is .......
To see the rest of the post please visit the source:

Monday, 8 February 2010

Anasonliika 'Enda vreme' Rakia

This was found on Wikipedia before it was deleted by the editors as it was against their protocol of advertising products and services. I must admit it is rather blatant reading it through. What do you think?

Anasonliika "Edno vreme" is a Bulgarian 54-proof digestif made with grapes and anise. It is the product of "Distillery Karlovo ltd, headquartered in Karlovo, east of Sofia, Bulgaria. We are proud to announce is a premium brandy, emblematic of Karlovo region. We make it our the best grapes and humanize it with fragrant Bulgarian anise. Anasonliika is brandy, traditional for the Rose Valley - local masters have always put my heart, patience, and old secrets of preparation, to gain precious clear liquid with an unforgettable taste and bewitching scent. Its qualities are unchanged until today, thanks to the preserved ancient recipe, using only pure natural products and adherence to traditional production process. Just like old times - clean and sort the grapes by hand. Leave it to ferment slowly and naturally without adding impurities - to keep the noble fruit effect. In traditional copper stills distilling once to get the most pivkiya extracts and aromatic alcohol. Added anise seed from Bulgarian and distilling again - then fine aniseed oil infused its unique scent in the liquid. And that's all. But behind this simplicity lie the real secrets of Anasonliika "Edno vreme... ...
formerly sourced at